What's New in Journey Off the Map: Part 2

BLANK MAP MARKERS – In addition to the Map Markers inside every Preschool and Kids Field Kit, kids can make their own unique Map Markers for games or to trade. The CLOTH DRAWSTRING BAG is perfect for collecting and storing Map Markers. Bag and Blank Map Markers can also be used as an optional craft.
EXPEDITION TAGS – Mark each day’s expedition with a colorful tag that includes the daily theme and Scripture. Kids will want to collect all five and at .70 per child Expedition Tags are an economical way to not only promote attendance but to provide a fun keepsake of the Journey Off the Map experience.
KIDS WRAPS – Create a theme-related look instantly with Kids Wraps. Designed to be worn as a head buff or neck wrap, but the possibilities are endless. Six unique colors make it easy to designate one color per age group.
BUG GLIDERS – These fun bugs can be used for decoration or as fun prizes and gifts. Package contains five unique designs that glide through the air.
SIGNPOST – This unique signpost can be used as is or as a post for Rotation Signs and Bible Study Location Signs. Replaces traditional stand-up.
JOURNEY OFF THE MAP BACKPACK – These drawstring packs are perfect for leaders and kids – especially for VBS day camps.
KIDS FUN BUNDLE – Packed for convenience and fun, each Journey Off the Map Backpack is filled with a Kids Field Kit, Kids Wrap, Name Tag, and Survival Keychain.
DEVOTIONS OFF THE MAP – A 52-Week Devotional Journey (for kids ages 6-10) filled with dynamic full-color illustrations, memory verses, discussion questions, and “Walk This Way” activities. Printed Hardcover (978-4336-8728-0) $12.99. E-Book (978-14336-8772-3) $4.99.
LEADER SHIRTS – A variety of shirts to choose from including a tan button-down (special order only), brown leader t-shirt (available in stores, lifeway.com/vbs, and 1.800.458.2772), and VBS 2015 Power Pack (3-pack that includes green JOTM t-shirt, brown leader t-shirt, and only available in the pack orange leader t-shirt (special order only).
Did you miss Part 1 of What’s New in Journey Off the Map? Click here!
I am the VBS director @ my church for Adults with special needs. I love the special needs leader book. I was wondering if you will ever have a leader kit just for special needs,adults? Thanks.
Hopefully some day, but regrettably not in the immediate future.