A Brand New Look for Babies–2s
Did you know that Lifeway VBS is the ONLY publisher that provides foundational, gospel centric, biblically sound, and developmentally appropriate resources for all ages from the youngest infant to the oldest senior adult… and everyone in between! So no matter what ages you include in VBS, we’ve got you covered with excellent teaching plans—not just time fillers.
Today I am so excited to share with you one of the best new things about VBS 2015… a brand new, completely redesigned resource for Babies–2s.
The old leader guide with perforated sections is gone and in its place is a beautiful, spiral-bound flip book, designed to be easy to hold while caring for and playing with children or to stand on a counter for quick reference. And instead of scripting out a day full of activities (which can sometimes feel overwhelming), the new design groups activities into logical sections, making planning and teaching easy! Teachers can pick and choose from a variety of activities (designed for two groups: babies–younger 1s and older 1s–2s) and create a daily schedule that fits the needs of the children in their room.
The book is divided into 5 sections:
Teacher Tips—Includes tips for planning, scheduling, hygiene and safety, choosing activities, and learning how to use the new flip book.
Bible Content—This is where you’ll find Bible stories, Bible Story Plus (short group time for 2s), as well as an overview of the entire week’s Bible content. There are 2-3 suggested activities for each Bible story for both younger and older kids. Teachers choose at least one Bible-learning activity each day.
Theme Activities & Recreation—These activities give teachers options for extra activities each day (in addition to the Bible-learning activities). These activities do not necessarily relate to a specific Bible story and may be used on any day, with any Bible story. Teachers may offer as many or as few activities as desired and may repeat activities throughout the day AND throughout the week.
Music and Movement—Includes song lyrics, finger plays, and ideas for using music and movement with babies–2s.
Continue the Connection—This section includes tips on building relationships with families during and after VBS. You’ll also find information about the VBS 2015 Preschool Keepsake Book, which is tied to the theme activities and makes a great souvenir!
I know you are going to love the new look… and teachers will too! It’s something you’ll want to hang onto after VBS is over for quick and easy ideas any time care is offered for babies–2s.
Melita, Joe and I decorate our ‘trunk ‘r treat’ vehicle with the VBS theme for the next year. It’s great fun and jump starts my ideas for January. “Thanks” for another great theme.
Great idea, Ann!
Love that idea! I bet I could pull a jungle type thing together before next Friday!