Why Choose Journey Off the Map for Your VBS?
I am often asked why a church should choose Lifeway’s VBS resources. My first response is that ministry leaders can trust that Lifeway’s resources are Biblically trustworthy, evangelistically focused, and deliver age appropriate content. Long before I came to Lifeway in 2006 I had a strong conviction that Lifeway produced the very best resources based on these three foundational components.
My conviction has grown stronger with each passing year as I have observed and been a party to the new resources produced by Lifeway’s VBS team. It is true that every publisher of VBS resources builds in distinctives that sets them apart. Here are a few of Lifeway’s distinctives that in my opinion should make Journey Off the Map your first and only choice.
- Evangelistic helps built into every teaching resource – including music
- Every aspect of a VBS day focused on a central theme and Scripture passage – even snacks, crafts, and recreation resources are designed to continue and enhance the daily Bible study sessions
- VBS for the entire family with same daily theme for babies through adults, including kids and adults with special needs – plus resources specifically designed to connect VBS to the family and home
- Reproducible Takin’ It Home CD for the ride home
- Original music that corresponds with the daily Biblical content and themes
- Music and drama resources for live performance
- Spanish resources for preschoolers and kids based on the same Scripture passages and daily themes as English resources
- A feature-length movie based on the theme that is designed to continue the VBS experience beyond the week – VBS 2015 movie is The Lost Adventure based on Journey Off the Map
- Backyard Kids Club resources designed to take the Journey Off the Map experience to neighborhoods, on mission, and to smaller-membership congregations
- Local, regional and national training specifically designed to prepare your team for Journey Off the Map
- On-line training at lifeway.com/vbs and ministrygrid.com
- VBS made simple with The 6 VBS guide in all age-group leader guides
Get started with Journey Off the Map today with your Jump Start Kit and Preschool and Kids Starter Kits!
We are excited to be coming back to Lifeway in 2015 after 2 years with other people.
I helped do the Missions part of VBS Journey Off the Map for boys 1st thru 6th grade at our church this year. It was very well done. All age groups enjoyed the missionaries and their work. The video definitely held the kids attention and the activities were fun for them though we changed a few depending on age of the kids. One of our children wrote a note to Gracie (the daughter of the missionaries in Lesoto Africa. Can you email me contact information so we can forward the note to her. Thank you and thanks for the great material.