VBS Team Geek of the Week: Jerry Wooley
This week’s Geek of the Week is Jerry Wooley! If you have been to any Preview Event, you would have seen him on stage or running around making sure everything is running smoothly. You might also see him as he travels the country training people for VBS.

Hello to you
I wanted to thank you for giving my email to the children’s minister in North Carolina who asked for some skits. I emailed them to her and she loved them and said she will use them. I really appreciate this. I have been writing dramas and skits for our church to do in VBS and youth related things for years as my own children were growing up. I do enjoy it and I just want them to be used to tell about Jesus. I really think that people learn more with visuals. I remember one of the kids in the youth group said….I don’t like to just sit and hear about it….I WANT TO SEE IT ACTED OUT!!! For some reason, these words stuck with me and I realized that this is the way the life of a Christian should be….People should not just hear words from us….They want to see the gospel ACTED OUT in our lives…
So anyway, thank you for passing the skits information on to this lady. Please feel free to give my email to anyone who may want to use the skits. I write them every year so keep me in mind.
Thank you.
Joyce Joseph
Mr. Wooley,
Blessings! Due to finances, our church wants to repeat Boomerang Express but finding any materials (especially Leader’s Guides) is next to impossible. I was looking for the publishing company’s information so I could contact them and see if they anything available. I have checked everywhere from Amazon to used book stores and come up with next to nothing. If you could guide me in a direction where we could find the materials we would be grateful! You can email me if you’d like at [email protected]. Thank you!
Pastor Jesse
Regrettably we are unable to keep curriculum from previous themes, but I know some of our readers probably have materials in storage. If anyone reads this and is willing to share you can contact Pastor Pearson at his personal e-mail.