From the Archives: Questions To Ask About Your VBS Promotion
Lifeway’s VBS team is Celebrating 90! That’s 90 years of providing VBS curriculum, training, and administrative helps that have been used by thousands of churches to reach millions of unchurched kids, teens, and adults. I’ve been combing the archives for advice from the past that is just as relevant today.
This list of questions will be a valuable resource as you begin planning printed promotions (flyers, newspaper and web advertisements, and bulletin inserts) for VBS 2015.
1. Does the message focus on how VBS will benefit the family?
2. Is the copy exciting, compelling, easy to read, quickly understood, and directed to one person (written as if you are telling one friend)?
3. Are all the essential details included (church name, location, dates, times, ages, cost, and contact information)?
4. Does the copy end with a call to action (enroll now, phone for additional information)?
5. Are the graphics appropriate and related to the VBS theme?
6. Does the appearance and message project quality and create a positive first impression of the Bible school and church?
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