Share Your VBS Story
Summer is winding down, kids are heading back to school, and for the most part, you have wrapped VBS 2014. That means it’s time to start sharing your stories. One of our favorite parts of VBS is hearing how God is using you to change the lives of kids and make an impact in your community.
So, out with it! We want to hear the funny stories, the sweet stories, the life-changing stories, and anything else you want to share. Leave your story in the comments below and it could be featured in an upcoming post.
Also, don’t forget to submit your VBS 2014 Director’s Evaluation. Check out this post to learn more about how we use that information and how to submit yours.
We are so thankful for all that you do in the lives of kids!
We had 37 F/T and few P/T Field Agents. We registered 85 Special Agents and averaged 70 daily. We had 11 agents who had the desire to accept the Lord and as of right now, 1 came through after we followed-up last week. This was a fun theme. My Pastor and I really got into it. I would wear wigs and other stuff as my disguises while my Pastor would do a different stunt everyday when he hands me the offering tally for the Mission Offering. The favorite stunt was when my Pastor was Agent P as in Perry the Platypus. As soon as I mentioned, “Where’s Agent P?”, the theme song for Perry was played and the projector screen rolled up. Behind it was Agent P in the baptistry! The excitement and comments such as, “How did he get into the wall?” was such a delight! We also collected lots of items for our Mission Offering which was for an orphanage in Mexico that were in need of food, clothing, etc. I love VBS and I’m glad that I was able to be part of it, year after year.
Our church lost its pastor last December. We have an interim pastor at this time. We were all able to put our divisiveness aside and focus on VBS this past week. Christ and sharing His salvation message was the focus of everyones efforts. God was glorified in our unity.
This happened to our church last year ot was tough! Right before VBS this year we got our new senior pastor right before VBS Praise God! You will make it through we saw 5 children get saved! GOD WILL BLESS YOU JUST HOLD ON
This is how VBS looked like in our church this year in Morelia Michoacán, México.
We had a fantastic group of volunteers and many new children attending VBS. All the new kids and their families met Jesus that week.
Our favorite day was graduation day. We gave every kid a certificate and we gave them a big round of applause and congratulated them. We believe that one of the best achievements children have is to accept jesus as their savior and to walk with him since their childhood.
We’re glad to share our video with you and we’re looking forward to next year!