Zip Tip: Finding Printable Resources
When thumbing through the session booklets you’ll notice that some activities call for specific printable (or projectable) resources. These may be things like scripts for the Bible story skits, review questions, Powerpoint slides, or helps for sharing the gospel. To access any of these resources, simply pop the DVD-ROM included in the Administrative Helps folder into your computer. (Note: Your computer must have a DVD-ROM drive to open the files. A CD-ROM drive alone will not be able to access the disc.)
The disc may launch automatically to play the Bible Story Videos located on the DVD. If so, no problem. Simply close the DVD player and navigate to the ROM portion of the disc by opening the root directory. From there click on the “Admin_Tools” folder.
You’ll see two options, one for Administrative Helps (forms, schedules, etc.) and one for Teaching Helps. Click on “Teaching Helps” and you’ll see the entire list of printable and projectable resources called for in every session. Simply find the right session and file name to match the item you need.
Even EASIER… use the Session Builder discs to plan your sessions & let them do all the work for you! When you use a Session Builder disc to create a customized teaching plan, any printable or projectable resources called for in the activities you selected will automatically be saved in the same location as your teaching plan. How easy is that?!
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