Recycling Ideas that Increase the Value of Your VBS Resources
As a recovering pack rat who once had the task of cleaning out an accumulation of 85 years from a church resource room, I have come up with six ways of recycling and organizing selected VBS resources for later use. By doing so you will not only appease your pack rat tendencies, but become a better steward by increasing the value of the resources that truly are too good to throw away.
1. Find a church or organization that can put the resources to good use. Based on the size of your VBS you might be able to supply multiple churches with everything they need to conduct VBS. When donating resources, I have learned from experience, it is best to establish a specific date and time for the resources to be picked up.
2. Create files for the Recreation and Snack Rotation Cards. VBS games and snacks never go out of style and are a great resource when planning other activities. You may not wish to call your next party Outrigger Island but the games and snacks for that VBS are perfect for a luau or pool party. (You might want to check out Lifeway’s I Heart VBS Card Box – 005466928.)
3. Create a learning activities file by clipping or scanning the Bible study activities kids enjoyed most from Leader Guides. Your activities files will become a great idea generator for future Bible studies and events.
4. Use VBS songs throughout the year. I often meet young adults who can still sing VBS songs from their childhood. The songs have great meaning that live beyond the five days of VBS.
5. Incorporate unused materials such as additional mission rotation and Bible study activities into other ministry events such as Wednesday nights.
6. Use resources for Backyard Kids Club or mission trips. Your workers have already been trained and have experience using the resources. Utilize this experience by taking VBS on the road and using the additional resources for Backyard Kids Clubs and mission trips
Jerry Wooley, @vbsguy, has served as Lifeway’s VBS Ministry Specialist since 2006.
At the risk of biting the (Lifeway) hand that feeds me, you can also donate nonreturnable items to a small church or church plant. We donated our decorations to a small church this year. I mean an inflatable camera is awesome but how many opportunities do you have to incorporate it into your service! Anyways thank you guys for a truly wonderful VBS, can’t wait till next year!
Whoops! I just realized I looked over idea number one. Please disregard my last post (except for the thanks, please double regard that!) 🙂 Sorry
Crown Point, IN is in NW Indiana. Was wondering if you have a list of churches in this area that are also doing Agency D3.
we do have some decorating items we would like to pass on. Thank you for your help in this matter