Tangled Branch Treehouse — The Inside Story

In my last post, I showed you a tiny portion of the set we used for Worship Rally, which was the outside of The Tangled Branch Treehouse. Here’s what the final product looked like:
For Bible Study, the setting is INSIDE the tree house! Maybe you can get a few ideas from what we did.
The walls are 8′ tall, the top of the tree is about 10′, the floor is made out of a scrap piece of linoleum. We cut the edges and painted the back side with latex house paint to look like wood flooring.
Sets are fun but hopefully you’ll spend the majority of your time digging into the lessons. We’ll be praying for you as you share Jesus with kids; some of whom may have never heard His name.
How much did these cost? It looks more expensive and like it takes a lot more time than VBS decor in the past. A lot of intricate details. My concern is that more & more time & money is spent year after year on set decor than most small to medium churches have. It looks nice, but also out of reach for us, financially & time wise.
Prayer & well prepared leaders are more important than over-the-top set decor. Our church is in need decorations, not ‘sets.’ Do you have more natural decor ideas for small church decorations.
Hi Joyce, This is definitely one of our more elaborate sets. However, we cut it out of foam board and painted it ourselves to make it affordable. We agree that decorations are not the most important part of VBS but we do believe they help get kids excited and engaged. Here’s a post that explains why we decorate: https://lifewayvbs.wpengine.com/2014/03/19/five-reasons-we-decorate/.
As always, we will give many options and ideas for decorating, both large and small scale. We’re really excited to see all that can be done with Journey Off the Map!
I am very excited about the new theme. I think it can easily be scaled up or down or any church size or budget. I can’t wait to get started!
I like this set. However, I am thinking that maybe using a large canvas tarp, or two and drawing and painting the tree house. (this may be cheeper) Then using the insulation board and making some 3d effects. i have left over boards from this years VBS. Can’t wait to start.
Hi Gordon/Lindsey,
I am thinking scaffolding. Wrap around foam, cut out the windows…. can I put a worship leader up in the tree??
Can’t wait to see what it all looks like at Ridgecrest!
Check out what God allowed us to do this summer at http://www.facebook.com/VBSatMDBC
Hi I really want to make this tree house set for our stage. Did you have outlines you traced for the shape of the trees/tree house? Or was it cut out of the foam free-handed?
Check out today’s blog post. You will find some great help for building the treehouse.
It would make things a lot easier if you could show in a diagram fashion how it all goes together. Also it would REALLY help to get some simple outline drawing to trace each layer of the tree house.
Check out today’s blog post. You will find some great help for building the treehouse.
We would like, if available anywhere, plans or drawings of EACH LAYER of this treehouse. We want to do this exact thing but the one drawing lifeway supplies does not give EACH LAYER on a sheet. THAT would be the most help fof those of us embarking on construction of this set. Love it and want to do it, but need more deats!
Check out today’s blog post. You will find some great help for building the treehouse.
Hey guys – about the tree house, we used the drawing printed in Decorating Made Easy, projected it onto the foam boards (which we had taped to the wall – panel by panel), traced the basic outlines and free handed the rest. We cut out the whole thing with a hot knife. It really was more of a free hand job than any type of pattern or template.
I am interested in how you made the tree. What is the trunk made of?
Does anyone have the cd that came with the decorating made easy book? I need to make this treehouse for our church. I am willing to pay for the cd.