It’s Friday and time for another giveaway! We know we’re in the middle of VBS season, and we hope everyone is having a successful VBS! Here’s a look at the prize! Just enter for a chance at winning!
My favorite part of VBS is when the kids decide to turn there lives over to Jesus!!!! Next Favorite part is the wonderful music and all the kids smiling faces!!!!! I JUST LOVE VBS!!!!!
The best part of bible school to me is seeing and hearing from the children something they learned in VBS! I have 3 and 4 year olds to teach and it is amazing what their capacity for learning is and how much they retain.
My favorite part of VBS is watching the faces of kids who learn about Jesus for the first time. It’s like a light that comes on inside their heart. Once you’ve seen it, you never forget it and you want to see it again and again.
My favorite part of VBS is seeing how excited the kids are and listening to how much they have learned about Jesus! I also love the games, crafts, music, and snacks! I just love VBS! Kid @ heart 🙂
Favorite part of VBS is getting the new theme and figuring out how to decorate so that the kids are in awe!
Worship Rally is my favorite part of VBS.
I am very excited about VBS and the children having fun while learning about Jesus!
My favorite part of VBS is seeing children saved! Even if one is saved or one family is reached, it is all worth it!
My favorite part of VBS is helping to create an enjoyable, memorable, and amazing experience for all to learn about God!! Too cool!!! : D
Favorite part = Seeing Kids having Fun Getting to Know God & Jesus Better!
My favorite part of VBS is the arrival, the excitement we share seeing the kids and teacher working so hard in the classrooms. I LOVE IT!
Worship Rally. The kids enjoy the music!
My favorite part of VBS is when the kids decide to turn there lives over to Jesus!!!! Next Favorite part is the wonderful music and all the kids smiling faces!!!!! I JUST LOVE VBS!!!!!
My favorite part is the music and kids excitement!!!!!
The best part of bible school to me is seeing and hearing from the children something they learned in VBS! I have 3 and 4 year olds to teach and it is amazing what their capacity for learning is and how much they retain.
My favorite part is seeing all the kids smiling faces!
My favorite part about VBS is decorating, doing arts/crafts, the games and teaching the children about the Lord. I also love each new themes.
My favorite part of vbs is watching the kids sing and do the actions to the songs…all year long!!!
My favorite part is the Wow faces when they see the decorations.
I love being just a small part of telling Kids about the love of Jesus!
My favorite part of VBS is seeing the kids’ faces when they discover a new truth found on God’s word!
My favorite part of VBS is teaching the kids the songs.
My favorite part of VBS is the rotations… such a fun way to incorporate Bible teachings outside of the normal classroom, direct instruction setting.
My favorite part of VBS is watching the faces of kids who learn about Jesus for the first time. It’s like a light that comes on inside their heart. Once you’ve seen it, you never forget it and you want to see it again and again.
My favorite part of VBS is getting to tell the children about Jesus!
My favorite part is the worship rally. I love seeing all the kids dancing and singing the VBS songs!
I love seeing the excitement int he children’s eyes and hear them sharing God’s truth!
My favorite part of VBS is seeing how excited the kids are and listening to how much they have learned about Jesus! I also love the games, crafts, music, and snacks! I just love VBS! Kid @ heart 🙂
Seeing someone “get” it.
My favorite part of VBS is seeing the joy on the children’s faces when they sing about Jesus.