Put Your VBS T-shirts to Work for You
I love being in an airport or store and seeing a VBS t-shirt from years gone by. I have great memories that are uniquely attached to each theme, and seeing a shirt makes those memories come alive. But more important than the memories created by a VBS shirt is the awareness and promotion value they can create. Churches often distribute shirts on the first day of VBS or at the conclusion of the week, but what if they were distributed prior to the week and intentionally used for promotion? They become moving billboards – especially when worn in mass.
Here are a few ways to put your VBS t-shirts to work for you.
- Schedule a “Wear Your VBS Shirt to Church Sunday.” Not only will the shirts draw attention to your VBS but they can be used as a way to identify, recognize and honor workers.
- Schedule a flash mob to appear at a shopping center, mall or park. Be sure to have VBS info ready to distribute.
- Have everyone wear their shirts to a community parade or fair (July 4th). If a parade is not planned, create a neighborhood walk, bike and trike parade to create awareness and distribute information.
- Ask kids and parents to wear their shirts on the last day of school. (Be sure to get approval in advance
We would like to hear how you use shirts to promote your VBS. Hope to hear from you soon!
Following Jerry on Twitter @vbsguy for more tips and ideas.
I enoy wearing my VBS shirts and thinking of all the fun we had each year. My mom took my shirts from 10 years of VBS and made a quilt out of them (2000-2010). I am now collecting more for a second quilt!! It was fun showing it to folks in VBS last week and seeing them talk about memories of each VBS!
All excellent ideas! Thank you!
Love the ideas! That way every time you wear the shirt the VBS messages will be shared once again!!!
On the last day of VBS, I wear an older VBS shirt and have my newest one ready for the kids to sign. I purchase fabric pens and use the shirt as a keepsake reminder of who was in the class that year. the kids love it when they see me wearing one that they signed!