VBS Geek of the Week: Deb Jones
This week’s VBS Geek of the Week is Deb Jones. Enjoy her story!
1. What is your role in VBS? I am the VBS Director for our church, West Glendale Baptist Church. I am also a part of the state training team for Arizona, for the past two years I have had the opportunity to attend the National Training in Fort Worth and then teach the Missions portion of VBS at our state training sessions.
2. What was your “geekiest” moment? WOW! One geeky moment, I am a geek, so this is hard to pinpoint! This is the time of year that I eat, sleep, and dream VBS! Probably the geekiest moment this year so far was an announcement I made at the end of April for our VBS worker sign-up. We still had some openings and I wanted them filled before our church VBS training. I wore my husband’s black leather jacket, my sunglasses, and my daughter’s Fedora hat. I was a special agent sneaking up to the stage, got lots of laughs from the congregation and also got more workers signed up at the end of the service! I don’t mind being laughed at.
3. What has been your favorite VBS theme? Every year it just keeps getting better! One of my favorites was Amazing Wonders Aviation because I was one of the teachers in the United States that won Space Camp thanks to the workers at Honeywell Hometown Solutions. Space Camp had been a dream of mine since the ’80’s. I got to wear my blue flight suit for Amazing Wonders VBS and that was wonderful (although hot in Arizona in the summer).
4. You might be a VBS geek if . . . you think VBS is just a little slice of Heaven!
5. What makes you keep doing VBS? I was born Southern Baptist and have attended VBS since birth. I just really enjoy Vacation Bible School, it is an AMAZING evangelical tool for our church to reach our community for Christ. Last year for the first time ever, we made a concerted effort to disciple our children after VBS was over. I used the materials created by Lifeway for Leading a Child to Christ in my VBS training. We followed up in July and August on Wednesday nights and actually baptized children that had made decisions in June. So exciting!
Dear Candace and Lifeway, Thank you so much for this honor for our little church! So excited! Sincerely, Deb Jones, West Glendale Baptist Church