Friday Giveaway!
Today’s giveaway is 5 Agency D3 Bags that could only be gotten at one of our Preview events! These bags are great for carrying all your VBS supplies and you will have some extras for friends. All you have to do is enter the giveaway below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Please enter me in the Friday Giveaway!
Our VBS is coming up in 3 weeks and we’re still needing workers. Any suggestions on recruiting? I know how important VBS is for our community, and I want to always give my best, especially for our Awesome, Almighty God!
I would like some creative marketing ideas. We have a small congregation averaging 130 people on Sunday mornings. Our VBS’s are small. We want to grow them and our church. What are some ways you would reach out into the community besides door knocking that would get people through the door?
I attended the Ft.Worth preview for the first time this year and loved every minute of it!! One topic that I would like covered would be how to get the church excited about VBS. At our church it is seen more as an event that is expected by our church leaders, so we’ve had a tough time getting it promoted this year and getting the information out to the congregation/community
specific grade level instruction for evidence vault
If I attended a VBS preview event, I would like hear the latest decorating ideas.
A decorating tip: If you’re making a workstation using egg cartons and wire connectors as knobs, as shown on the Decorations DVD, you can also make some switches by using popsicle sticks. Can can paint them black or use a Sharpie. Just snap them in half and, instead of gluing them to the egg carton, simply make a small slice with a craft knife and insert the popsicle stick. You can position the “switches” in the up or down position. Enjoy.
How to integrate the VBS curriculum with multiage groups?
Creating A VBS Life Changing Family Experience
Connecting with families connecting with church connecting with community.
Making connections that make a difference.
Vacation Bible School at First Baptist in Malaysia this year kicks off with a Field Agent Secret Mission, a secret code is hidden in a mystery dessert, Agents need to decipher a code based on an airline acronym to discover their next Mission! If I attended a VBS Preview I would be keen to know more on Continuing the Connection with families that came to VBS. Blessings. Gina
I would like a session just on Promotions. The ideas in the director’s guide are great, but would be fun to brainstorm with others from across the country.
I would lik a section of the preview event to be for youth helpers! Our church is pretty small, so our youth have to assist our teachers! They love it anyways!!!!
I think a session on how to interact with children from all walks of life would be beneficial. If we are to reach into the community and invite those who don’t normally come to church, some specific training on the best way to make them feel welcome and wanted would be appreciated. I would also love to see a session on training volunteers who are new to the VBS experience. Thanks for asking for this kind of input!
Enter me please, would love,to give these to my team, because I live mine that I got at ridgecrest
I am so excited about this VBS, I am teaching 2nd grade and looking for quick easy decoration ideas, I live in Alaska and much of the things I wanted to order they would not ship it here. Anyone have ideas of how to get microscopes or where to buy toy ones
I would love to be entered and win one of these bags too
I would want to see lesson plans for each age level and strategies for adapting those to any group.
I have a hard time getting volunteers, and then getting them to follow a routine. Any help on getting the adults as pumped up about VBS as the kids are would be great!
I would want to see great decorating ideas that could be done easily and on a budget. Also ideas for promoting VBS to your town.
I would like to see Outreach ideas for after VBS