6 Ways to Make Transitions Meaningful

Guide leaders to use every moment that they have with kids to develop relationships and provide teachable moments, even when they are traveling from place to place. Remind teachers that this may be the only time we get to pour into a certain child, and we want to make the very best of the opportunity.
Here are 6 ways to make every transition meaningful:
- Ask a get-to-know-you question that every child gets to answer to help you understand them a little more.
- Repeat the key verse in different voices as you transition to rotation sites. Guide kids to say it in a high, squeaky voice, a low voice, in slow motion, in hyper speed, or with country twang.
- Sing one of the VBS songs that reinforces the concepts that have been covered during the day.
- Ask a question about the day for each child to answer. This can be as simple as, “Tell me something you learned today” or as complicated as a different review question for each child.
- Guide kids to tell you one thing they can thank God for – this might be a person, a thing, or for a characteristic that God has.
- Ask kids to tell you their favorite part of VBS so far as they walk to a rotation site. Use their favorite moments to reinforce what they have been learning during the day.
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