Zip Tip: Arrival
Looking for a fun way to give kids a camp experience from the moment they arrive?
Here are a few tips to make arrival and check-in as smooth and as fun as possible:
1. Do as much before the event as possible.
Pass out any release forms or other paperwork to parents before camp begins. If possible, have parents turn them in two weeks prior to the event. If not, have as many turn them in as possible and have a table setup so parents can finish paperwork when they are checking in their child.
2. Play games!
As soon as kids exit their car or get inside the building, send their parents to check in while the child plays welcome games with another adult volunteer. These games should be group games that are easy to join at any time – circle games and water balloon tossing games are always a hit for arriving. ((Have multiple game stations. Dependent upon how many children are attending, you may want to have one group per age group or even divide age groups. The ideal size is 10-15 for arrival games).
3. Plan, plan, plan.
Plan arrival carefully and train your leaders in what they will do so that every detail goes smoothly.
We are about to start using zip as our mid week program starting Wednesday April 23. Can’t wait!
That’s great! How did your first night go?