Using Zip for Kids as a Follow Up to VBS
Do you have an exit strategy for VBS this summer? How will you follow up with the kids and families who come to VBS? How will you intentionally continue the learning throughout the summer so that kids go back to school in the fall changed?
This summer at VBS, we are talking about who Jesus is and why we believe that He is who He said He is. The Lord was so sweet in the way that He lead us to develop Zip for Kids. We didn’t see what He had done until after we finished producing Zip for Kids, but as we looked back on the content, we saw that Zip for Kids is the perfect follow up for VBS!
Zip for Kids emphasizes who God is, and that He is loving, eternal, omnipotent, faithful, and trustworthy. What a perfect way to follow up who Jesus is and what He has done for us! Give kids the bigger picture of how the two lock together, in that God sent Jesus to us because He loved us so much that He wanted to provide a way for us to be made right with Him. We can trust that God forgives our sins through Jesus!
Consider using Zip for Kids to continue the Bible learning with kids in your community after VBS. You can use Zip for Kids as a day camp, your Wednesday or Sunday night programming, your “Wacky Wednesdays,” “Fun Fridays,” or “Terrific Tuesdays,” or a number of other ways. It contains 10 Bible story lessons, 5 from the Old Testament (life of David) and 5 from the New Testament (life of Peter), large group activities, small group plans, videos, music, 85 hours of track times (or activities like drama, art, basketball, or outdoor games), and tons of other options. It is completely customizable, and will be great for those who came to VBS or even for your older kids at VBS to go into neighborhoods and lead alongside adults. Check out the details about Zip for Kids and let us know how you choose to use it! Make sure to sign up for the free preview if you haven’t done that yet. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to do that today.
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