The Sound of VBS Preview
It’s a quiet day in the VBS offices today. Probably it feels even quieter than usual because of the noise that’s missing that was in the building last week.
There was the noise of worship coming from Van Ness Auditorium as VBS leaders from all over the country learned new VBS songs and motions.
I got to hear the noise of teachers explaining various aspects of VBS curriculum to eager directors, teachers, craft directors missions leaders and more.
Scissors cut through paper and duct tape made that zipping noise it makes in the Creative Zone.
People like you asked questions about curriculum, about decorations and crafts, about how to teach kids to Discover, Decide and Defend their faith.
In short, it was the sound of the VBS Preview events in Nashville, TN right here at Lifeway, and it was a joyful noise!
In the quiet of this Wednesday morning, I’m kind of missing the buzz from last week. But in a way, I’m glad it’s gone. Because it means that the incredible leaders I had the privilege to meet last week have taken that excited buzz home with them. And soon they’ll be using it to touch lives for God’s kingdom. I can’t wait to see what God does with their passion this year.
And with yours.
Your VBS will be filled with similar sounds as kids get excited about being able to know and defend what they believe. Spend some time thanking God for that joyful noise today and asking Him to give you to passion you need to work through the exhausting hours of planning and putting together your VBS for His glory.
I know I’ve been inspired by the passion some of you brought to Nashville this year. If you were here, share some stories about your favorite things about the conference in the comments! We’d love to hear your stories!
We had a great time at the one-day preview. My 9 yr old granddaughter filled in at the last minute and has asked if she can do this again next year! We had so much fun making gadgets and will be using that idea for kids at our Associational Clinic in April.