VBS 2015 – Already?
What were you doing last week? Were you making plans for the holidays? We were working with writers and getting VBS 2015 rolling. Yes, I really mean 2015!! Long days, lots of coffee and chocolate, laughs, and some very serious hard work by God-gifted writers.
For the second year in a row we have returned to the “write onsite in a week” approach. It is an intense week, but having creative folks at your elbow to bounce ideas around is a huge blessing!
What now? Just like other super heroes, the writers have headed back to family, jobs, and teaching kids at their churches. They are back where people have no idea that the past week of their lives will impact hundreds of thousands with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
… but God knows.
And what will VBS 2015 be? Here are some sneak peeks. Wonder if there are any clues.
Anticipating video clues for VBS 2015. Any idea when those will be available?
Jennifer Barnett
Hi Jennifer! We plan to start those at the end of May again this year.
When is the reveal date this year?
Monday, June 2, 2014
we didnt have our VBS this summer cause of the typhoon haiyan… when can we get the copy of publishing for this new theme????….
I’m really excited for the kids and for the preparation of the vbs….
The Jump Start Kit will be available in October!
Hi! Any way we could get a county fair or growing theme within the next few years?
We’ll keep that in mind Crystal!
Time traveler theme
How about making a VBS called the Romans Road Trip – bassed on the salvation verses in Romans. The background could be a trip around sites in Rome, or around the USA. A van that goes to Mt Rushmore and the Grand Canyon and other spots might be fun.
Hey, We’re waitng for 2015, too! It was in e-mail, but, I opened it too late, and it would not allow me to
access the info.
And, how about a Paris, France or London theme VBS?
Hi Maggie, The 2015 theme has been announced! It’s Journey Off the Map. More details here: https://lifewayvbs.wpengine.com/2014/06/02/the-journey-to-vbs-2015-begins/
I literally plan for an entire year …. Just finished d3 2 days ago and anxious to know theme for 2015 ASAP !!!! Hope it is more gender friendly for girls!!!
Good evening,
I would like to know who is the person that I should speak to in regards to a future VBS theme?
Jonia, feel free to suggest a potential theme here. You never know when it might rise to the top. We start from scratch each year and do not use ideas that someone has already worked out.
At our training session this May we were presented some very encouraging ‘stats’ relating to kids that came to know Christ through VBS. Also families that started going to church as a result of their kids involvement in VBS. I would love to present those to my church!! Any idea where I can find them.?
Who do I have to email for VBS questions?
Please send you question to me at [email protected]