Random Tip 1403 – A Job For Everyone
Although it is typically the least effective, the most common way to enlist workers is to place an announcement in the church bulletin or make a passionate plea from the pulpit.
While this type of enlistment will result in a few volunteers, it is often the volunteers who say, “I’m happy to help but I can’t teach and don’t want to be in a classroom with kids.”
So now you have a dilemma. You just made an “all-hands-0n-deck” plea, but you don’t know what to do with people who made the above statement.
Before you ask for volunteers, make a list of all the possible ways someone could make a director’s life easier both before and during the week of VBS. Keep the list with you at all time and be ready (AND WILLING) to delegate a project the moment someone even hints at volunteering.
A few of the things on my personal list would be:
- Decorating the common areas such as foyer, halls, and registration area
- Making copies both before and during the week of VBS
- Being available to make the daily last minute run to the store
- Picking up trash and helping the facilities crew prepare rooms for the next day
- Resetting the auditorium after worship rally
- Parking lot security
Let me know what jobs you would add to the list.
*Prayer team
*Barnabas team – showing encouragement to teachers/leaders w/notes, hugs, pieces of candy, etc.
*Follow up – organize the names & visits that need to be made. send out postcards/information from church.
I would add the following, Restroom Monitor/ escort and a Time Keeper.
Our church prints a time schedule for each rotation site, and those involved get a copy. These can be laminated or inserted into a plastic page-protector for durability.
To stay on schedule, each teacher can bring a simple device like a kitchen timer, to go off several minutes before the class is due to rotate, to allow for tidy-up, etc.
Also, a loud bell can be rung at the official passing times, as a further help. ( We have an old-fashioned outdoor churchbell that can be heard all over our campus!)