Random Tip 1402 – The Daily Sack
My all-time favorite VBS organization tip is The Daily Sack – or The Daily Box. It requires a little pre-planning and preparation, but it is a sure cure for the daily stress and anxiety of trying to locate everything needed at the last minute.
The concept is almost too simple to mention, but I’m sure it will become one of your favorite all-time tips as well.
Step 1: Gather six large paper grocery bags or, especially with the theme Agency D3, six file boxes.
Step 2: Label bags/boxes with the day of each session. For example, the first sack would be labeled “Day 1”. Label the sixth bag/box “Daily Supplies”.
Step 3: Schedule time in one sitting to look over all five sessions of the leader guide. Make three lists of needed items for each session. One for items to gather from around your home or the church resource room. The second list for items that need to be purchased. And the third list for resources that need to be cut out or constructed. Remove resources from the leader pack and separate them by the sessions they are to be used. You should end up with six stacks: one for each day, plus one for items that will be used every day. Place each stack of resources in the appropriate sack or box.
Step 4: With the first two lists in hand, make a trip to the church resource room and store. Try to gather all supplies in one trip. Once you return home, separate the supplies into the appropriate sack or box.
Step 5: Set aside a time to complete all projects on the third list and place the items in the appropriate sack.
Step 6: On the day of VBS just grab your sack and go!
YES! We’ve used this method for the past couple of years, and while it is so very simple, it really works!