Calling all VBS Geeks!
Those of us on the VBS team eat, sleep, and breathe VBS all year long! We love getting to work on a product that reaches so many people and we want it to be the best that it can be. And we know that there are those of you out there who also love VBS as much as we do! We are looking for you! We want to hear your stories. You spend hours organizing, planning, decorating, building sets, and so much more to make this a meaningful event for your church. Leave a comment with a name or nominate yourself to be one of our VBS Geeks of the Week. We will share the stories and send them a cool T-shirt!
I begin VBS planning and getting thoughts together as soon as the next year preview is known. WE get so excited to see what the new theme is. The gentleman that helps with our construction gets excited and says, Miss Sandy it is on 364 more days till VBS. I know everyone gets tired of me talking about it in Sept-March but I love VBS and know that that is my passion. I want the boys and girls to be excited the minute they step foot on campus, and most of the time they are.
The teachers look forward to where we are going for training each year since I took it off campus to relate it to the theme, Airport hanger,, incredible pizza for the theme park, etc. I want the kids to know that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their life. VBS has that message. I love it and I declare myself the VBS Geek of the year. Sandy Savage
It will only take you 3 seconds to DISCOVER that I am the VBS Geek of the Week. If you need proof of my geekiness, I am sure you can find pictures and or videos of me rapping in street clothes for Big Apple Adventure, in full aviator garb for Amazing Wonders Aviation, or a variety of theme park related costumes at Colossal Coaster World including a theme park performer, bear mascot, and clown suit and makeup . At the moment I am trying to DECIDE if I can afford laser mazes and jet packs for next year’s theme. If you still aren’t convinced, I am certain that my fellow agents would be willing to DEFEND my “whatever it takes attitude” to reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As I am here in my hotel for KMC, I am planning secret agent training meetings and taking Agency D3 “Save The Date” Promo pics for our Facebook VBS publicity campaign. I hope that you will DISCOVER, DECIDE, and DEFEND the I AM The VBS Geek of the Week. And that’s a fact Jack… or should I say Jet pack Jack?
I start working on the decorations for VBS as soon as I know the theme. I am so excited about the Agency D3 VBS. I think the kids are going to have so much fun being detectives and finding proof that God is real. I have been going to garage sales, already this year, and buying old keyboards, monitors, lamps, microscopes, and chemist bottles for our VBS next summer. I think I am definitely a VBS Geek!!!!