Foto Friday. . .What is It?
Okay Agents, here’s your next Foto Friday assignment, “What is It?”. Here’s this week’s close-up. It’s 2 images! Muh ha ha ha! ! ! Can you DISCOVER what it is? Can you DECIDE if it’s a snack or a craft or Hulk hands or something else? Will you DEFEND your choice?
Give me your best, craziest, funniest responses!
I think the first one is the conveyer belt for the Break room and the bottom one is Superman’s cape.
The first one is a Styrofoam box, with a silver insulation covering, the drawer is covered with Styrofoam and topped with a painted bead and button.
The second is a sock monkey with a mask!
Prototype of the iPhone 5s or maybe one of the coolest VBS crafts ever??
The first one is insulation covering an old drawer set with blue electric tape wrapped around something to look like a button.
The second one is definitely Superman’s breastplate and cape.
The first one looks like a safe for keeping special papers in and the second one looks like the side and partial wing to a rocket ship that is going to send messages to headquarters.
I may be a bit behind but I think the top photo is the area for an ice cube tray in a mini fridge and the bottom one looks like a red rug with he markings for a Mascot of some sort. Very Regal looking…