Looking forward to VBS 2014: Day 2
I am so excited about Day 2 of VBS for the summer of 2014!
I have always loved the last half of Mark 6. Jesus’ miracles are such a beautiful picture of His ability to provide for our needs and His desire to help us understand who He is.
The apostles were just returning from performing miracles and teaching, and yet they still questioned how food would be provided for all of the people. Sometimes I wonder how Jesus felt when He taught them over and over again, and yet they just didn’t really get it. I wonder if He ever just shook His head and laughed because they were so far off target.
Just in case they had missed His power before, Jesus fed 5000+ with just five fish and two loaves of bread. I love that Jesus gives this food lavishly, as He gives so much to us. He didn’t just feed the people until they were full. There were twelve baskets of leftovers! I’m so glad we serve the God of excessive grace and provision. I am so frequently reminded that He gives us so much more than we deserve.
I’m often reminded that I am just like the disciples. I forget that God will provide for my needs and that He wants to know me and to be known by me. I forget that God wants to lavish grace upon grace on me, even though I have nothing to offer in return.
I look forward to kids learning about God’s provision and lavish grace through this passage! I hope that it really sinks in for kids that through Jesus, we receive God’s amazing power and perfect provision!
Ellen says
I am excited about VBS 2014 also. I usually work in missions and was wondering what missionaries we will be studying and what the decorations are like for that area. Let me know how I can find out early. That would be fantastic!! I’m glad I found this site. Thanks for putting it together.