National Thrift Store Day Agency D3 Challenge!
Tomorrow, Saturday, August 17 is National Thrift Store Day! Of course I’m sure you all already had that marked on your calendars. To celebrate, we thought we would have a little fun and give away a VBS 2014 Starter Kit of your choice.
If you’ve checked out our theme release video for Agency D3, you know that we used a lot of thrift store items in our decorating. We went around to our local thrift stores and bought all the interesting shapes we could find. Almost anything combined with a few other items can be spray painted to look like high tech decorating items.
Here’s how one of our items started:
So here’s our celebratory challenge:
– Collect random items from your local thrift store
– Combine them to create one awesome Agency D3 gadget
– Upload a photo of your gadget on our Facebook page or email your photo to me at [email protected]
– Post by Friday, August 23, and we will randomly pick a winner. To see Terms & Conditions, click here.
I’m not sure if you noticed, but we will pick the winner randomly, so don’t be intimidated to post! Plus, who doesn’t love getting inspiration for VBS? To see a few other gadgets we created from thrift store items, click here.
I will not be participating in the Agency D3, love the biblical content, but nothing else.
I was trying to upload pic, but when I click on the link it directs me to this site: Let me know what I should do differently.
That was from trying to do it from the email that was sent. I see how to do it on the site. Thanks!