Zip: Weaving Bible Content Throughout Each Day
Do you want to drive home the truth of who God is to your children? Would you like to see adults in your church developing discipleship relationships with kids?
ZIP equips leaders to connect with kids through activities that they love by weaving the Bible concepts throughout each day. We know that kids learn in many different ways. Some are going to “get it” during Bible study or during a video in large group. Others are going to “get it” when they are outside playing a game that they love and are able to hear how that game connects to the day’s truth. We love that moment when kids “get it,” and we want to help equip your church with activities that are grounded in Bible content.
You can design ZIP to include large group time, small group time, as many track times as you want, and so much more, but no matter what you decide to include in your ZIP event, you can trust that the day’s Bible concept is threaded throughout each day.
During track times, you will see leaders pull their kids in close after a game to open the Bible and talk about how that game relates to the Bible concept. At ZIP, Bible content is never just tacked on to the end of a day, but is thoughtfully woven through all the activities that you may choose to include in your event. We started with Bible content and wrote track times and activities that would help kids have a greater understanding of God’s unchanging nature.
We are excited to see how God uses ZIP in your church to disciple kids as they develop relationships with leaders and hear about God’s unchanging nature. Our hope is that your ZIP event will be the jumping off point for kids to connect with adults who have similar interests, creating a solid starting point to build an on-going relationship focused on discipling kids to be followers of Jesus.
How can you help the leaders in your church not only teach the Bible concepts, but really connect with kids during track times and other activities? Is this something your church already does well that could be enhanced by ZIP or is it a struggle and something you want to strengthen?
I am soooo excited about this resource! I was putting together a curriculum to mirror CentriKid Camp for our Children’s Church and came across ZIP. Thank you Lord! My vision was exactly what I found in ZIP. How awesome is our God? Incredibly, wonderfully, and totally awesome! Thank you to the creators of ZIP. I can’t wait to start seeing the kids come to Christ with so many options. Happy! Happy! Happy!