Have it Your Way with Zip!
Wouldn’t it be nice if getting ready to teach was like picking out apples at the grocery store? You could go straight to the crates that carry your favorite variety (mmm… Honeycrisp) and bypass the ones you don’t care for. You could peruse the selection and pick out the perfect apples for your tastes—the ones that look the absolute best to you. Sure, someone else might like Red Delicious apples better, but that doesn’t mean you have to! So wouldn’t it be great if you could pick exactly what you want and only what you want? Ooo, and what if it could be delivered to you without you even having to get off the couch? Sound too good to be true? Not with Zip!
Let me introduce you to the revolutionary SESSION PLANNER found in the Zip Essentials box. This incredible tool allows you to fully customize large group (think: huge assembly with on-stage leader) and small group (think: one leader with small number of kids) experiences and make them totally unique to your event. Zip lets you be in the driver’s seat and make each teaching plan exactly the way you want it! Simply pop a session planner disc into your computer and let it guide you through creating your very own, customized teaching plan.
Here’s a sneak peek at what to expect:
Cathy Mcilveen says
I am so excited about this! Got a flyer in the mail the day after I met with my staff about what to do next summer! We tossed around several ideas and I left that meeting with a headache and no plan. Nothing sounded right! The next morning the flyer was in my box. I can’t wait to see the published stuff. This sounds like the perfect fit and a lot of the stuff is already done so I can focus on volunteers and such! I have never been so excited about summer camp before! Thank you!