How are You Continuing the Connections?
Several weeks ago I wrote about the importance of making VBS follow-up more than just a post card or one-time contact. Successful follow-up requires continued connections! That’s why in 2014 you will notice that we use the term “Continued Connections” or “Continuing the Connection” instead of follow-up.
To invite unchurched families to a ministry event – such as VBS – and then do nothing to build on the relationship is a waste of a precious gift.
In many communities VBS 2013 is still going strong. Thousands of churches are conducting Bible schools and Backyard Kids Clubs this week. I know from experience that many of the workers in these schools have their sights set on Friday. Their goal is to make it through the week and then they can close the books on VBS for another year.
But the real goal is to make lasting relationships – building bridges to spiritual orphans – that connects families with the church and more importantly with Jesus Christ. The building of this type of relationship doesn’t end just because VBS ends.
What are you doing this year to continue the connections? Seriously.
I, along with the many readers of this post, would love to hear from you. Tell us what your church is doing to continue building relationships with the unchurched who attended your VBS this summer.
We offered art camps at the church 2 weeks after VBS ended. We began advertising them at Family Night during VBS. We have several children that are not part of our church attending. Hoping to continue these type of activities through the school year…letting families know we’re here & we care. I’m an elementary art teacher in our community…and took the lead on crafts this year……so this was a natural fit(plus my wife who is in charge of the children’s ministry told me to do it! ha ha ha)
I’d like to give proper credit to the VBSguy when I email this to our VBS workers. However, I can not find his real name.
vbsguy is also known as Jerry Wooley.
Got it.