VBS Geeks of the Week: Shiloh Baptist!
You know, I LOVE it when churches get GEEKED for Vacation Bible School.
There are so many of you out there who pour your heart and soul into VBS and will do ANYTHING it takes to make VBS a success! We love hearing those stories! If you have a story to share about a VBS Geek at your church, email me at [email protected] to nominate them by telling me why your nominee is a VBS GEEK, and they might just be featured on our blog!
This week, we’re featuring a whole team of VBS Geeks!
Church Name/Location:
Shiloh Baptist Church, Bridgeport, Ilinois
VBS dates: June 23-28th
How many years has your church done VBS?
“Forever. LOL! I am 51 and went to VBS at Shiloh when I was young. It has changed drastically over the years. We have probably been doing it this way for around 18 years,” says Kyle Davis.
Average attendance?
157– includes students and workers
How much time does it take to decorate your church for VBS?
We decorate it in one week. Many workers spend many hours prior to that week to get the decorations ready.
What is your church vision for the ministry of VBS?
To reach the children and their families in our community with the Gospel message.
Most memorable VBS moment?
This year, we had a student win Holiday World tickets for bringing in the most visitors and he gave them to the runner up because he has season passes and is able to go whenever he wants. This was his idea. It was so sweet. The runner up had never been and was thrilled.
Click here to check out Shiloh Baptist’s end of the week video!
Love my church.