Downloadable Colossal Coaster World Devotional
Need a little something extra to get your volunteers and workers prepared for Colossal Coaster World? Our friend Aaron Summers, Pastor of First Baptist Church Perry, OK, shared five days worth of devotions he wrote especially for Colossal Coaster World. Thanks, Aaron!
CLICK HERE to download the devotions!
Looking for a prayer guide for VBS? Yesterday, I shared some things to pray for before, during, and after VBS! CLICK HERE to read that post.
What does your VBS staff do to spiritually prepare for VBS? Share with us!
I always have a Spiritual Training for the VBS volunteers to help us get our focus and heart right. We also do a prayer walk around the church and pray over every area and person that will be involved in VBS.
My VBS Administrative Guide Enhanced CD never worked. It had some weird stuff on it. So, I couldn’t print out all the items listed in the back of my book.
Is there any place else I can access these materials like attendance records, etc.?
We start on Monday and we lost our VBS Director a week ago. I have taken it and am trying to get us up and running. Please help.
Bobbi, give us a call at (866) 627-8553 ASAP and we’ll get you straightened out.
We started VBS tonight and can’t get the cd to work either and didn’t have office attendance sheets either:(
Sorry about that, Charlotte. Give us a call at (866) 627-8553 and we’ll help you out!