Agency D3: What's New
You spoke and we listened!
Lifeway’s VBS team receives thousands of comments, suggestions, and critiques each year from VBS leaders just like you. Some are positive, some are negative, and some are a little of both. With the thousands of churches (of all sizes and descriptions) using Lifeway’s VBS, it is impossible to make changes based on every suggestion, but we try hard to identify common threads of concern that are repeatedly voiced.
You are going to find the number of upgrades and improvements with Agency D3 are greater than any year since 1997 when Lifeway introduced Wild and Wonderful Good News Stampede. You spoke and we definitely listened!
Here are just a few of the upgrades designed to make VBS easier for you:
Six Step VBS – The VBS 2013 Administrative Guide for Directors was redesigned around six simple steps. You loved it! Hundreds of you have told us you love the simplicity implied by six steps. You have also told us you love the simplicity and clean look of the design. We went back to the drawing board and have redesigned all leader guides around simple steps that lead you from the initial phase of planning through the process of making continued connections after the week of VBS. We have stripped out non-essential graphics which gives each guide a cleaner look. Our goal has been to simplify, simplify, simplify. You are going to like it!
Packaging – One of the biggest issues is how to best package VBS resources in a way that makes sense, saves dollars, and makes it easier for you. So out with the Sampler and Super Sampler and in with a Jump Start Kit, Preschool Starter Kit, and Kids Starter Kit. Each kit contains the resources specific to the needs of the leaders working in that area of VBS. Here’s a sneak peek.
Jump Start Kit – Available in October
You read that correctly – October of 2013! You have said you want to start planning earlier and you want the essentials for both planning and getting your congregation pumped up about VBS. With the all new Jump Start Kit ($34.95) you will receive everything you need to start planning, all packed in a convenient and fun attaché case that not only sets you apart as the director of Agency D3, but will be used each day during Worship Rally.
In the Jump Start Kit you will find all of these VBS must-haves:
- Administrative Guide for Directors
- Decorating Made Easy
- Music for Kids CD
- Special Agent Carabiner
- Special Aent Rear-view Sunglasses
- Catalog
- Jump Start Poster
- Promotional DVD
- Takin’ It Home CD
- and a one-of-a-kind Director’s Badge that is only available in the Jump Start Kit.
All of these resources, except the one-of-a-kind Director’s Badge and Jump Start Poster will be available individually as well.
Preschool Starter Kit – Available in December
The Preschool Starter Kit ($99.99) gives you everything you need for one class of each preschool age group. All resources for each age group are packaged together to make it easier than every to know what each leader needs. Each of these resources are also available separately for churches planning multiple classes for each age.
Your Preschool Starter Kit will include one of each of the following:
- Babies-2s Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and Kids Activity Pak for Babies-2s
- 3s-Pre-K Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and Kids Activity Pak for 3s-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and Kids Activity Pak for 3s-Kindergarten
- 3s-Kindergarten Rotation Pack
- Craft Pack samples
- And fun Agency D3 swag you will want for every leader and kid
Kids Starter Kit (Grades 1-6) – Available in December
Like the Preschool Starter Kit, the Kids Starter Kit ($99.99) gives you everything you need for one class of each kids age group. All resources for each age group are packaged together so there is no guessing as to which leader guide goes with which leader Pack. Each of these resources are also available separately for churches planning multiple classes for each age.
Your Kids Starter Kit will include on of each of the following resources:
- Grades 1-2 Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and a Kids Evidence Kit
- Grades 3-4 Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and a Kids Evidence Kit
- VBX (Grades 5-6) Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and a Kids Evidence Kit
- Missions Rotation Leader Guide
- Music Rotation Leader Guide
- Crafts Rotation Leader Guide
- Craft Pack samples
- Snack Rotation Recipe Cards
- Recreation Rotation Leader Cards
- and samples of great Agency D3 swag every kid will love
In addition to these easy to order, organize, and distribute kits, the Worship Rally Pack, student (grades 7-12) resources, VBS 2014 Music Book, Adult Starter Kit (new name for Adult Leader Pack), Special Friends Leader Guide, and Spanish Starter Kit (new name for Spanish sampler) will also be available individually.
Kids Learner Guides – Again, out with the old and in with the new! I’m talking about the VBS 2014 Kids Evidence Kit which is designed for all ages Grades 1 – 6. No longer do you have to try and figure out how many learner guides you need for each age group since everyone in Grades 1-6 will use the same kit. Kids will be challenged to use the contents of their evidence kit to discover, decide, and defend the truth of Scripture. Kids will use a variety of investigative tools such as a decoder, an invisible ink pen, and evidence log to follow clues to the evidence that proves Jesus is who He says He is, that He is more than just a really good man, that He died, was buried, and rose from the grave, and that He is alive today. With the tools found in the VBS 2014 Kids Evidence Kit kids will discover that they can not only know about Jesus but can know Him personally and can defend their decision when challenged.
Next up: VBS 2014 Preview
Can you tell me what the theme for the missions rotation will be for 2014. Agency 3-D?
Can you tell me if there is a skit we could do before our congregation to stir up the excitement for a couple of weeks before VBS starts?
Yes! There are some promo skits on the Administrative Guide CD-ROM that are designed to use before VBS starts.
Does anyone know where we can find some recent statistics of Vacation Bible School? All I can find on the internet is from 2006…..
Go to Click on Downloads and Updates. Click on Associational Resources. Under Team Planning click on File 17 Statistical Summary. You will find 2012 stats. We continued accepting 2013 reports until April 1 so we will not have 2013 stats until June.
Does anyone know of an organization that has already done the Agency D3 VBS and would like to donate their decorations? Thanks for any help!
Hi – I was wondering if there was a Celebration Event scripted program? I have read the suggestions on page 58 of the Directors Manuel. But I am looking for a complete program that has the songs incorporated in to it and skits that feature the highlights of what the children learned throughout the week. Thanks,
Hi Terry! Yes, we do have a VBS Musical. Here is what you’ll need: VBS 2014 Music Book (, VBS 2014 Music Rotation & Musical CD ( and the VHS 2014 Worship Rally DVD Set for the choreography to the songs ( Thanks!
Is there an opening skit with this vbs?
The Worship Rally Guide includes a skit for each day. By changing a word or two it cane be used as an opening or closing skit.