VBS 2014 Theme Release – Photo Clue #5
Can you believe that in just TWO short days, you’ll find out the 2014 VBS theme? I seriously can’t wait for you to find out. I think you’re going to have lots of fun planning for 2014… that is, as soon as you get through VBS 2013!
We haven’t stopped thinking about VBS 2013, and we know many of you are in the heat of planning. We are seeing so many great pictures of your VBS decorations on our Facebook! If you have a last-minute project that needs inspiration, be sure to stop by and browse our Facebook wall or Pinterest boards.
BUT…that’s not all you’re going to need Facebook for today. After today’s clue, you may be well on your way to solving the clues and discovering Lifeway’s VBS 2014 theme.
Don’t forget to register a guess for your chance to win $3000 worth of VBS 2014 materials for your church. You have less than 48 hours to get your guess in!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
We’re going to Ireland!
It’s the top corner of a turret of a medieval Irish castle.
I am thinking Ireland & maybe Italy & Greece…Maybe a differant country each day? I don’t think photo clue # 5 tells me anything…Looks like a piece of a building like a mall or something.
Looks like Frank Lloyd Wright’s last building completed…in Ireland!!!!