VBS Safety and Security
VBS is a great outreach tool for the church, and a great time of fun and fellowship for the kids. It is important that during VBS that the church takes precautions with safety and security. In this day and age one can never be too careful. It is the church’s job to help parents know they are doing everything they can to keep their child safe while he or she is in their care.
- Many churches have to use classrooms during VBS that are not normally used for children’s classes. If that is the case in your church, take the time to look at the classroom and remove anything that might be a safety issue for the kids. It helps to take a picture of the room before making changes so that at the end of VBS you can put the room back in order.
- It is also important to make sure that every leader knows where first-aid kits are located and what the procedures are for an emergency. No one wants anything to happen during VBS, but it is important to be prepared.
- Make sure that all equipment is safe and in good working order. This goes for tables and chairs to playground equipment. Get rid of tables and chairs with broken legs or that might be wobbly and check playground equipment for loose screws or broken pieces.
- Make sure that all toys have been cleaned and disinfected and then put the supplies out of the reach of children.
- In terms of security, make sure that passenger loading and unloading areas are clearly marked.
- Provide security wristbands or some type of tag or card to ensure safe and appropriate release to parents.
- Create a two-person rule so that there is always at least two adults with anyone under the age of 18 at all times.
- Only release children to those who are authorized to pick them up.
- Have a security team monitor the facility during VBS.
- Complete background screening on all volunteers.
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