Looking for FREE way to publicize your VBS?
With the biggest week of VBS just 28 days away, are you certain you have spread the word every way possible? How about the free posting on Lifeway’s “Find a VBS” site?
Seriously, one of the most under utilized ways of publicizing VBS is online. For a moment think about the online possibilities that stretch beyond your church web page. What about community calendars, church member blogs, tweets, and Facebook? And what about Lifeway’s “Find a VBS” site?
Click here and check it out!
You might be surprised at the number of phone calls I receive each summer from parents looking for Bible schools in their community.
Often it is a family who has just moved to the community and has not yet established a church home. Their kids went to VBS every year in their previous community and want a similar experience in their new community.
Sometimes it is a parent who has heard about VBS but doesn’t know anything about it. They Google VBS, and end up at Lifeway’s VBS. At which point they make a phone call to Lifeway’s corporate office and the call is directed to me.
When I receive these calls I frantically go to lifeway.com/vbs. Click on Events. And then click on Find a VBS. Since I can search by by city name and/or zip code the search is quick and easy – at least until there are no entries found.
No entries found means churches in the community did not take advantage of this free opportunity to publicize their Bible schools. Don’t be one of those churches – post your VBS dates today by clicking here.
Please make sure all the information is correct before you hit submit. It is impossible for you to change the information once you hit submit. The only way to make changes is to send me an e-mail ([email protected]) with the corrected info. So three cheers for checking twice and submitting once!
If at first your information can not be found, don’t panic! Once you submit your information it will take up to 24 hours to appear.
Looking forward to seeing your VBS posted today!
I tried twice to enter our church – first following your link, then when I went to the site and it wasn’t there, I filled out the form again and it still didn’t add us. HELP!
Kathy, it may take up to 24 hrs to appear. Is it showing up now?