More Than Flowers Are Popping Up During Spring Break
The daffodils are blooming, the trees are budding, and snow is in the forecast… it must be spring break! What are your spring break plans? Spring cleaning? Yard work? Vacation? Vacation Bible School?
Yes, you read that right! Vacation Bible School! Many school systems have one to two week breaks and parents are scrambling for a fun, safe place for their kids to be. What a great opportunity to reach out to your community. When you meet a need, you open the door to building relationships. Those relationships can provide great opportunities to share the gospel.
Last year I visited a local spring break VBS. You can read about my visit here.
Have you ever held VBS during Spring Break, or Fall Break, or other break times? What about Backyard Kids Club during Spring Break? We’d love to hear from you!!
I am doing LifeWay’s Backyard Kids Club Colossal Coaster World in Nicaragua this week! It is going great; the kids love it and the mission team is having great success adapting it to many challenging situations/sites in Nicaragua. We have the music in Spanish and that has been the best icebreaker, getting all the kids and adults involved. We have done 2 days and have 2 more days to go. Pray for our team: it will be 100 degrees tomorrow when we meet in Villa Espana.
That is so exciting! Praying for you and your group in Nicaragua! Let us know how it goes. It’s 32 degrees and snowing here! Praying for blessed breezes for your 100 degree temps.
We had 4 salvations at VBS! God provided a cloud cover so the heat was not as intense. If I’m able to post pictures I have some that are precious. I am so glad for the Backyard Kids Club material.
Praise the Lord for such answers to prayers and thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to see pictures!!! =)
We had a total of 45 salvations during our trip to Nicaragua. Most of the decisions were made by adults. However, several were made by children who were in the pre-teen age group. There were several teenagers that came to “watch” to see what we were doing. Some from our team and some church members from the local church engaged them in conversation and several of the teens made decisions for Christ also. That was awesome. One was a pretty rough looking older teen hanging at the school playground. I had already divided the children up into three groups to get started with Bible story, crafts and recreation. When a team member and an interpreter approached him, he was willing to discuss spiritual ideas. He ended up praying to receive Christ. That night we had church services several miles away from the school. That young man came with friends. How exciting to see God working and breaking down barriers.
One more story: I was VBS director and also in charge of snacks. During snack time I gave the children crayons and the coloring sheets from the LifeWay Backyard Kids Club curriculum. Many of the parents would gather around to hear me (and my interpreter) talk to their kids. One mother pointed to my salvation bracelet. I shared the plan of salvation with her and two other mothers and they all accepted Christ! I love how God takes “curves” in the road to reach His people. That was about 10 in the morning. The ladies showed up at a 4:30 pm service we had and they were just glowing.
What an awesome report! It thrills my soul! I’m so glad you shared. I thank God for the lives that were changed and for the way God blessed your ministry. Thankful you made it safely home. Our team will pray for the new believers and the seeds planted in Nicaragua.