New Year, New Design
Welcome to a new year and a new design for the VBS 2013 Administrative Guide for Directors. Now it’s even easier to plan, promote, and conduct a successful VBS.
That’s right we have redesigned the Administrative Guide with you in mind. The entire guide is divided into six simple steps:
Step 1: Know Your Purpose and Theme– Get a feel for the week and learn how the theme and biblical content tie together.
Step 2: Start Planning– Planning is crucial for any successful event. By starting with these step-by-step tips, you will be on your way to a fun-filled, exciting adventure.
Step 3: Enlist and Train Your Workers– Behind every good director is a good group of leaders. Start pulling your team together early.
Step 4: Promote and Publicize– Use the helps provided to get the best results for your efforts.
Step 5: Registration– From preregistration to registration during VBS, we’ve got you covered.
Step 6: Follow-up– Strengthen the relationships that were created during your VBS. Plan now to follow up with both your visitors as well as your regular church attenders.
Within each step you will find helpful charts, and guides to make planning a snap. And as always you will still find all the same great helps provided on the CD-ROM as in previous years.
So I’d like to personally invite you to browse through the guide and let me know what you think. And I’d love to hear about any great tips you may having for planning for an exciting VBS!
I’m doing the crafts rotation for our association and also our local church. I have been looking around and I don’t see the theme for the craft room. Just wanted to get my mind rolling!
Crafts will be held in the Scissors & Stuff Emporium.