Your Chance to be Part of VBS Think Tank 2015
This past weekend I completed my Fall VBS 2013 Jump Start traveling schedule. The past few weeks have found me in Arizona, Illinois, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, and Michigan helping church, associational, and state VBS leaders prepare for a Colossal Coaster World experience.
It is always fun to see how people (VBS Groupies) across the U.S. interpret a theme. Each location plays host to a variety of theme-related food, decorations, and costumes – which I think add the most unexpected touch of all. It started me thinking – what if people wore theme-related costumes to VBS Previews? Talk about creating a fun atmosphere!
With just 39 days until the first Preview at Ridgecrest, North Carolina, I’m challenging all of you to make this the most entertaining Preview ever by showing up in a costume that shouts Colossal Coaster World!
Each event guest wearing a costume will receive a chance to be selected as a member of the VBS 2015 Think Tank team. This is the team that will create the 2015 theme! One Think Tank member and one alternate will be chosen from each of the five Previews. (An alternate is being chosen in case the team member is unavailable to attend Think Tank.)
Looking for costume ideas to get you started? Check out these great photos from our 2013 Theme Release party in June.
Click here to register for a Preview. Several locations are just about full so register today! You definitely want to be part of the fun! It just might be the most exciting ride of your life!
Click here for official Lifeway Sweepstakes rules.
Will the participants in VBSI be included in the contest if we come with a costume?