2013 VBS Planning Advice
Have you started planning for VBS 2013? If you haven’t, no worries– you aren’t behind just yet! Some of the VBS pros have already ordered their Super Sampler or Backyard Kids Club kits and have begun collecting ideas to make this year’s VBS a success. If you are coordinating VBS for the very first time this year, planning can seem intimidating! Know that we are here to help you every step of the way.
For you pro VBS planners, what’s some advice you’d share with those who may be coordinating VBS for the first time?
How early do you order your Sampler/Super Sampler materials?
When do you begin building a team of volunteers? How do you train them?
When do you start working on decorations?
Looking for 2013 Club VBS resources?
I set the VBS website as the home page on my browser. It’s a daily reminder and keeps me up to date. If I’m informed and excited, it’s much easier to inspire other people.
I’m planning to go to the store on Dec. 1 to pick up my super sampler. I used to wait till the 1st of January, but this year I allowed room in my budget to buy it a month sooner!!