Jungle Jaunt on Pinterest!
If you’re planning for Jungle Jaunt Vacation Bible School in 2013, make sure you follow our brand new Jungle Jaunt board on Pinterest! There are lots of fun and easy craft, decoration, and snack ideas available to get your gears turning. Check out this awesome Lime Jungle Slime! Would make for a great VBS snack– what kid doesn’t love slime??
Source: spaceshipsandlaserbeams.com via LifewayKids on Pinterest
Planning for Colossal Coaster World? We’ve got a Pinterest board for that, too!
Would like to know if Jungle Jaunt can still be available?
This could be an option for a spring time promotion followed up with a trip to a large cat zoo.
Please help if you can.
I regret that Jungle Jaunt is no longer available.