VBS Follow-up
After a great week of VBS, most leaders are tired and exhausted and think they are done! But wait, there’s one more thing to do. You guessed it! It’s time to follow up with all the kids who came to VBS. It’s important to make contact with those who made a decision or those who were visiting and do not have a church home. In the Administrative Guide for Directors, there’s a great chapter on follow-up. Follow-up does not have to be hard or intimidating for those who don’t feel comfortable talking to people they do not know! Put someone in charge of follow-up and make sure you have an organized plan. You do not want to wait to long to put the plan into action because you do not want the kids you are ministering to to have already forgotten the great experience they had at your VBS.
Follow-up can take just an hour of your time and will make a huge impact. Have a team that makes phone calls, a team that sends letters, and a team that does doorstep visits. Don’t give any person more than three people to contact and have all the supplies they need ready for them. Give them a script if they are making phone calls, have a letter drafted if they are sending letters, and have an information packet ready if they are making visits.
Follow-up can be a fun and rewarding experience when you are able to share with a family the decision their child made at VBS. Or when you meet a new family who has no church home and you can invite them to your church. There are so many ways to follow-up. Find what works best for your church and make those contacts!
We had our Follow-Up last night and had the plan to break into teams, unfortunately people are on vacation or just “too busy”. There was only 5 people including myself and one of our pastors that showed up.We advertised and announced it to the church. We had talked about it at the worker’s meetings throughout the spring and summer. Do you have any other suggestions to motivate people to come?