Coming with VBS 2013 – Backyard Kids Club™
One of the most exciting things about my job is watching God put the pieces together to make something great happen. That’s what it has felt like as the plans for a Backyard Kids Club resource have come together. Here’s a sneak peak at the why, what, and who of Backyard Kids Club.
Why offer a Backyard Kids Club option?
Many churches are looking for ways to take VBS outside their church and into their communities. Whether those communities are down the street or around the world, our Backyard Kids Club Directors Guide and Backyard Kids Club Kit provide portable resources that can be used easily wherever you can gather a group of kids!
What will be available to help organize and conduct a Backyard Kids Club?
The Backyard Kids Club Directors Guide is designed for the person or team who will be coordinating and planning the Backyard Kids Club or Clubs. Based on expert advice from folks who have held successful Backyard Kids Clubs, this guide gives easy, step-by-step instructions.
The Backyard Kids Club Kit is an all-in-one box designed for a club of about 25 to 30 kids. The traditional VBS curriculum is simplified to fit a limited outdoor setting. The kit includes leader resources for worship and music, Bible study, crafts, and recreation. A special “Host Folder” even includes snack ideas. Music CDs and a choreography DVD are included!
What if a church wants some of the “extras” that go with a traditional VBS?
Because our Backyard Kids Club uses the same Bible content, music, and theme as our traditional VBS, all the fun accessories used for a large scale VBS will coordinate with your Backyard Kids Club!
Who will be able to benefit from the Backyard Kids Club resources?
- Churches who are looking to take VBS outside the church walls and into communities where kids are
- Mission groups who need a pack-and-go VBS option for local community centers, campgrounds, or mission locations in other states or around the world
- Small churches who may have twenty or fewer children, but wish to provide a summer VBS experience that will reach the kids and their families
I know there are even more ideas about how this resource could be used. What are some of your ideas? Have we gotten your wheels turning? We’d love to hear from you!
Today on Kids Ministry 101, learn more about Lifeway’s Kids Ministry Conference!
This is awesome news!!!! Our church is in the middle of this year’s VBS and had already discussed possibly coming up with a way to do backyard bible clubs next year. Our attendance has been lower for the last couple of years and we thought taking VBS to the kids might help us reach more children!!! Our youth just returned from MFUGE where many were involved in the backyard bible clubs there. So this just would be an extension to continue missions here at home!!!
So, Lifeway is now reading minds, huh 🙂 Very excited about the support for this outreach. Count us in!
I think that is a great idea I would love to have the information to give to our pastor.Do have any information on the Backyard Clubs I would really love get involed it that also I am a girl scout leader and any thing to do outside with kids I love
We just returned from helping a smaller church hold a VBS at their church in the morning and a VBS in the park at night. These kits sound like they would be perfect. My question would be the story content? The area that we ministered to did not even know the basics of creation, Noahs flood, Jesus’ birth, etc. We actually ended up writing our own lessons for each day. Is there a Back to the Basics type curriculum available?