VBS 2013 – Pictures in My Head
One of the cool things about my job is to see something on a Lifeway Bookstore shelf that was once just a picture in my head.
Check this out. Here’s a sketch of the idea for the New Testament covers for VBS 2013. It’s not the best drawing I’ve ever done but it doesn’t have to be. Scott Burroughs, my artist friend in Arvada, CO, sees pictures in his head too. He can make any ‘ole rooster scratches look good!
Below is what Scott sent back—clearly a much better sketch, still rough, but one that we can pass around for suggestions/changes to those editor types like Melita.
After any suggested changes are made and the editors and managers sign off on the skecth, it goes back to Scott for “final art”. When we get the final art back, we add titles, barcodes, Lifeway logos, etc, and send it off to the printer!
Soon, here’s what you’ll see in Lifeway Bookstores everywhere. You might even use one of these New Testaments to introduce a child to Christ—which is after all what it’s all about!BONUS! Below is a sketch of an idea for one of the VBS 2013 Visual Pack posters. The idea for the posters, and many of our graphics this year, is put the viewer, that’s you, IN the park—to see Colossal Coaster World as if you were actually there. Ummm, it’s the back of a carousel horse. Again, not my best drawing ever but you get the idea.
Another artist friend of ours, Geoffrey Brittingham (who does a ton of VBS art) sent back the following sketch. See! It is a horse!
…and then the final art!
Well, almost final. The people aren’t done and we’re gonna put some shine on that hand rail, add the words, etc… but for the most there’s your “finished art”!
BONUS 2! My son Evan and I just back from a trip out west where I actually got to meet Scott Burroughs, his wife Chrysti and their great/fun/cool kids Max and Ti. Scott and I have worked together for over 7 years now, sweating through some tough deadlines and praying through some tough person stuff. This is first time we’ve met face to face. It was a very cool!
WOW! Great artistic abilities! God has given you guys a great talent! Glad you are using it for His glory! Looking forward to VBS 2013!
Gordon — I can’t begin to imagine what else goes on in that brain of yours!!! Thank you for pouring over every pixel, font, and stroke. I absolutely LOVE seeing the kids light up when they see the visuals you help create. It’s what makes VBS spark with excitement and imagination while tying so well with the Bible content and lessons. I could do VBS every week of the year — Who’s with me????
Completely gifted! Y’all astound me every year!!
My fave? The Outrigger Island bag on the luggage cart in the Boomerang Express poster.
2nd fave: incorporating so many themes in the NYC/Times Square poster for Big Apple Adventure.
I feel like part of an inside joke! Wink, wink :)))