Front Yard, Backyard, and All Around the House!
From my years as an older teenager and young adult, I remember being involved in several VBS-type ministries known as Backyard Bible Clubs and Big A Clubs. These clubs were a simplified or scaled-down version of VBS and were an effective way of reaching families – many of which would never attend an event on a church campus.
During all the years since, the concept of Backyard Bible Club (BBC for short) has survived mostly in connection to mission trips. But a new wind is blowing, and the concept of BBCs is experiencing revival all across the country – especially by larger congregations that have a regional influence beyond an individual neighborhood or community.
Once it was thought that BBCs were staffed by a couple of people and primarily attended by a dozen or so kids who lived within view of the designated yard. This trend is changing as more and more BBCs are becoming evangelistic outposts for entire neighborhoods.
Recently I had the privilege of visiting a BBC not far from my own neighborhood. Four years ago the Club registered approximately 12. The next year, 20. Around 40 the third year. And this year – drum roll please – over 60 kids and adults descended nightly on the front yard, backyard, garage, and bonus room of the Nashville area home of Vicki Hulsey.
While Miss Vicki (all polite Southern children refer to their female neighbors as “Miss”) generously opens her home for the annual BBC, she has extended the evangelistic potential by gathering the children and their families throughout the year for other neighborhood activities and parties. Her home has become a true outpost of Hermitage Hills Baptist Church.
This story is phenomenal so stay turned for more.
For now I would like to hear your BBC stories. You can share them here or send them to me at [email protected].
In 2013 we are introducing Backyard Kids Club as a new component to Colossal Coaster World. We will be telling you more about this exciting ministry resource in days to come. So again, stay tuned!
I love the BBC concept. When we served in Dothan, AL I helped host a club in our neighborhood and it was quite successful. We used the porch at the club house near the neighborhood pool so we had a nice covered area with tables and it was a central location that drew the kids in. At that time LifeWay had the big flip chart story boards and I loved the way the picture was on the front and the notes were on the back. Miss Bobbie, my teammate, had the most creative crafts and the kids had such fun.
I think this is very intriguing as our church serves an entire county area and often don’t get kids from the outskirt neighborhoods.
Love this idea! I’m flying to the US from my home in the UK this Friday ready to help guide a 6th grade VBS class on Monday, I would appreciate your prayers for safe and hopefully no stress travels!
Love Lifeway VBS and the people who develop it and the people who put them on for their communities!
I loved the Big A club! I remember the big flip charts and the great songs. The one that sticks in my mind is, “Don’t send the children home, He said. Bring them to talk with me instead. . .” Anyone else remember that one?
It would be great to be able to get some of the same great literature to revive such groups across the country!
I’ve been looking for the flip chart for over ten years. This is the least intimidating for someone like me. As a child I never got tired of the flip “chart”.
I love the vintage art. The simple crafts were just right. I also got to know the children who lived blocks over. VBS at church was fun also but backyard bible club was more communal. I’m to the point I’m going to start going to start calling churches to look in the back of their closets for the old flip chart!
Hi Lee! Sounds like our “Go & Tell Kids” curriculum is exactly what you’re looking for! It’s designed (with a flip chart and digital teaching plans) to be used in a mission trip or community setting. Check it out here: