Counting My Blessings
I’ll admit it. As our church’s VBS dates approached I felt a combination of panic and uncertainty. I didn’t think I was doing a very good job of juggling a job with major responsibilities, family needs, church responsibilities, being the pastor’s wife, and the role of VBS director very well. The Enemy was whispering furiously in my ear, “What if you do all this and NO ONE comes!” But one of the sweet lessons God has taught me over and over again is, “Be faithful. God will bless.” As we soared through the week of Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS, I found myself counting the blessings!
Blessing 1: I have a job that allows me to adjust my schedule so I can be a part of this amazing outreach to kids and their families.
Blessing 2: Not only did I get to have a blast teaching the preschool music rotation, but my four-year-old granddaughter, Carly, (in the green sandals) was in my class!
Blessing 3: God impressed my heart to provide a special needs Bible study for a young man at our church. I thought I did it for him, but it turns out I was the one who was blessed. On family night when he got to share what he learned at VBS, he proudly announced, “Jesus loves you!”
Blessing 4: Even though I didn’t teach a children’s Bible study class, God blessed me with the privilege of talking with Emmy and being present when she became a Christian.
Blessing 5: The sweet folks at the church where my husband pastors really stepped up to the plate. We had several couples who worked together at VBS, a fact that many of our visitors commented about.
Blessing 6: (Gratuitous Nana moment) Our grandson, Noah, got to come for a visit on family night.
Well, I could go on counting, but I have stacks of work to do for VBS 2013 scattered all over my desk! Lots to do… and more blessings to come!
Rhonda…this was so sweet…and it moved me to tears! God has placed you exactly where you should be! Love you!
I can’t wait for VBS at my church this year. I was Googling ideas for decorations and stumbled upon y’all’s blog! I love it (:
From another very blessed Nana… I love Bible School and have for years! I also have had my grandchildren this week. Today is day four of Amazing Wonders. On the way home my four year old granddaughter said, “Nana I love your church and I love Bible School. I wish we could go 90 more days!” That enthusiastic attitude is contagious. Unless we become as little children….
That is so neat how you were able to do this! You did a great job with the VBS! Michael, I, and the kids loved it so much! It was so much fun! I am so blessed that we are back at the church. I love our church family! Love Denise.
Rhonda, Thanks for your honsesty about the feeling of being overwhelmed. I am right there with you this week & am reading your post at the perfect time. Thanks for the reminder of the blessings that come from being in a position to share the truth of God’s Word with kids & their families. Can’t believe that God keeps giving me the opportunity to do that again & again. Praying for you as you tackle the stack of papers – it is greatly appreciated by many.
i loved this so much, it is exactly how i was feeling, I borrowed this to show my VBS team, God is good and he always provides, my son who is now 20 said mom, we are planting seeds, God is always faithful, thanks so much for sharing, it really made my day