Now Back to 2012!
Yesterday we had great fun revealing Colossal Coaster World, the hair raising theme for VBS 2013. I heard from many of you who are already planning “research” trips (a.k.a. family adventures) to amusement parks to prep. I have visited a couple myself in the past few months – purely for “research” mind you – and hope to visit one or two more by the time we introduce the theme for VBS 2014! So little time, so many roller coasters to ride!
But before we get too carried away with VBS 2013 we need to fly back to VBS 2012. More Bible schools will be held this week than any other week of the year. This means in the next few days I will start receiving thousands of VBS Reports. Actually, I have already received a few from churches holding VBS during Spring break.
Each year we mail a personalized VBS Report form to every church in the Southern Baptist Convention – some 46,000 plus. The 2012 Report Form was mailed out last week and should be arriving at your church any day now. WATCH FOR IT!
This form will already have your church name, address, and Southern Baptist Directory Services (SBDS) identification number and password. Using the ID and password you can enter your VBS information directly into the SBDS reporting system. You can also use the provided contact information to mail or FAX your completed report form.
This report is a Southern Baptist Convention report and not a Lifeway report. We encourage you to report your VBS whether you use curriculum from Lifeway, another publisher, or create your own. We also encourage you to report your VBS even if you call it something other than VBS.
In the event you can not locate the personalized report form you can always use the one provided in the Administrative Guide for Directors.
The data from this report helps us evaluate the effectiveness of the VBS ministry. Did you know VBS has been around for over 100 years and is still the largest outreach ministry conducted by most churches.
Thanks for all you do to promote the life changing ministry of VBS, and I look forward to reading your report!
For many years now I have had to type up the lyrics to the songs. I have a hearing impaired child and it would be most helpful to myself and other children if you could include the lyrics with your CD’s for now on
Danielle Woods
Northpark Baptist Church
Trussville Alabama
the lyrics are in the music rotation book Danielle
The personalized report that was sent to our church was for 2010 not 2012.
Carol Weaver
Hope Community Church
Brownsburg, IN
Carol, a 2012 report form is on its way. Sorry for the inconvenience. You know computers – garbage in, garbage out! Somehow the 2010 form was merged with your church information. You should receive a 2012 form in a few days.
The personalized report we got at our church was also the 2010 report instead of the 2012 report. Do you want us to use it anyway just change dates?
Marsha Mason
Taylor Street Baptist Church
Cayce, South Carolina 29033
Marsha, a corrected version of the report form is on the way. Don’t know how it happened, but when church info was merged with report form a 2010 report was pulled. 2012 report forms should be arriving soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi, this is my first time posting here. I am the crafts teacher for Grandview Baptist Churches VBS in SC. Our kids truly enjoyed it this year. And I would like to share some images of the crafts. Just incase some churches are still looking for a few, would that be okay or is there somewhere else I should post it? Thanks! 🙂
Bernadette, a great place to post your pictures is on LifeWay’s VBS Community. Go to and follow the links to the Community. There is a specific category just for craft ideas.
As our VBS Director I’ve never received this personalized report form and I work in the church office….picking up the mail personally 99% of the time. Could someone check to see why our church doesn’t receive this form and/or if we do receive it, where or to whom is it being mailed?