Get Your Way Paid to ALL 4 VBS Previews
Love to travel with all expenses paid by someone else? Love to teach VBS music and motions? Ever think about being on Lifeway’s VBS Preview team? Think you just might enjoy spending a month with some of the most fun people on the face of the earth, AND traveling to cool places like North Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, and Florida?
Well, have I got an opportunity for you!
We are looking for an awesome person with the following qualifications:
- A dynamic relationship with Christ and a desire to worship Him!
- A servant’s heart!
- A passion for VBS!
- An ability to sing!
- An ability to get others to sing!
- An ability to perform song motions!
- An ability to teach others to perform song motions!
- An ability to sing AND perform song motions at the same time!
- An ability to get others to sing AND do song motions at the same time!
- The ability to travel for four weeks/weekends in January/February 2013!
If these qualifications sound like you then you just might be the person we are looking for to teach the music and motions to our great VBS songs to the 5,000 or so people who will be attending VBS Preview.
Still interested?
Here is what you need to do:
- Be available to travel on the following dates: January 9-12, January 16-19, January 30-February 1, February 7-9.**********
- Learn the music and motions to Amazing Wonders Aviation.
- Lead a group of kids and adults to do the same.
- Have a friend video you doing the above.
- Send the video to me (Jerry Wooley, MSN 182, One Lifeway Plaza, Nashville, Tennessee, 37234) by Monday, July 2, 2012.
Then what happens?
- I, and some of my most trusted friends, will watch each and every video submitted.
- We will choose our favorites.
- A few more trusted friends will be asked to watch the favorites.
- They will choose the cream of the crop.
- The cream of the crop will be posted on this blog.
- Blog viewers will be asked to vote for their favorite.
- Votes will be counted.
- The winner will be announced in August.
Still interested? Start learning those motions!
**********Please do not submit a video if you will not be available to travel all four weeks.
That sounds incredible! But travel requirements make it impossible for me. I’m sure you’ll find someone who doesn’t work, or works at their church who would be available. Good luck!
Sadly, the only thing I’m unable to do is hold a note 🙁
I would LOVE to go even though I can’t sing. 🙂
Does the video need to be of just the Amazing Wonders Aviation song, or can it be the others, or a compilation?
Ronda, you can use a combination of Amazing Wonders songs. Glad you are considering joining the fun.
This is amazing. I’m going for it!
Refering to the dates above.
The availability on Wednesdays, is this for travel?
If so can flights be made for mid afternoon or night? This is needed to know how many vacation days to use.
Also do you need more than one song?
Just put mine in the envelope to head out to you!! Super excited for this opportunity!! Now just to wait to see if I get picked!!!
What is the age limit ?
all I need is to get together the friend to video. so doing this. thank you VBS guy for the opportunity!
Hi All,
Put my cd in the mail today…… I really think that God has a plan for me, since at Ridgecrest preview show 2012, he had Jeff bring me up on stage, at 2 seperate sessions to help with some motions.
God Bless Jeff and all the work he does with the kids.
Thanks again for this opprotunity…
mailed mine yesterday…hope it on your desk Friday. Our Vacation Bible School is July 8-13, so I had to get a group together ahead of time. Everyone I told that I was doing this wasnt surprised. I certainly love God and leading others in worship, love vbs, love music, have a bundle of energy, and am available for travel those dates. so I meet the qualifications. No worries.
How long does the video need to be? It needs to be postmarked by July 2nd, right? Thank you so much!
what is the age limit?
Any chance you could extend this because I just got this email this morning! I did the music for our VBS this past week and would LOVE to participate! It’s my fave class to teach!
Hey — I’m with Jessica — I would LOVE – LOVE – LOVE to do this, but just got the email today. Is there an extension?
I have a possible person with our church and am trying to send them a copy of the e-mail tonight.
Can we email a link to a google docs? Somebody video taped me and just sent it to me on google docs. I guess I’m too late – unless there is an extension. Oh well, maybe next time 🙂 It was still loads of fun!!!!
I’m just reading this @ 11:20 pm on July 2nd!!! I would be sooo interested in this too!!!! I just LOVE helping out with VBS & spreading THE WORD to others through songs & motions! I know there will still be opportunities for me, so no worries; however, I will be watching if there is an extension. I’m no Jeff though; he will be missed by many, still glad to know he will be working with LifeWay though!!
VBS Cheerleader 🙂
Are there any other openings on the team????? Would love to be a part of what God is doing by serving!
Hey guys, several of you have asked for an extension. Actually I will be out of the office until July 16 sooooooooooooooooooooo I’ll give you until Monday, July 16 to have your videos here. Just so you know WE ARE LOOKING FOR HIGH ENERGY! And the only age limit is that you must be at least 18!
Woo hoo! Thanks for the extension!
Would love to do this. . . Just can’t get the days off! I teach school so this is always a busy time for us! Music this year was awesome!
Wow I wish I had seen this earlier. If so I would have gotten this done while we were doing VBS…We had a blast…Oh so much fun…I flew in every evening. Even showed up the 1st day in my Flight suit and goggles. Sorry kids are already finished. I can’t believe how incredibly fun this was. Me and my partner in crime even did Amazing in fedora’s. Thanks for an awesome year!!