Amusement Mark Shares Some GREAT Colossal Coaster World Decorating Tips!
Already brainstorming how to decorate for 2013? Join Amusement Mark as he shows you some tips and tricks on how to turn your church into Colossal Coaster World!
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Are you going to have a “quick scene” for the bible study (like you did for Big Apple Adventure)? I was alittle disappointed this year, because you didn’t have one of Victoria Falls by itself. Having the quick scenes makes it eaiser to decorate and leave more room for the kids. This year I had 4 kind. the first night. The next night I had 10. The last 3 nights I had about 7 – 8. Our room was about a 12 x 12. So room is important.
By the way, I love how you explain how to make the classroom!
Where is the mission rotaion?
Thanks for the ideas. I think this will be another fun VBS to plan for.
I loved the way you did the backdrops this year. I also loved the Bible Study Rotation back drop. i think it would be neet to have 3 back drops if possable next year. . One of course for the Worship Rotation, one for the Bible Study Rotation and continue to do the rest of the Rotations like you did this year. That was great and so is Life way. We had over 150 pertisapate this year counting kids and Adult helpers. When we finish we give the decoration to a smaller church in the area. God’s word gets spread around and around. Thanks for all you do
oh i am so glad i didnt throw the train away from boomerang express, its gonna come back to life
Hey Elaine- Missions Rotation is at the Global Expo! We don’t have a video from Mark on that one!
What about missions?