VBS Geek of the Week – Shelby Egender
Last week I announced that I had found two ladies in Oklahoma worthy of the highly sought after crown of Geek of the Week.
VBS Geeks are those rare (actually in the world of VBS they are not so rare) people who eat, sleep, and breath VBS not for just one week of the year, but basically on a daily basis. They are the people who can literally tire someone else out by talking VBS non-stop.
This week’s Geek is just such a person. In fact, the only way she could get her daughter to agree to attend the VBS Preview in Fort Worth back in January was to promise that she would not talk VBS while in the car. All indications are that this was one promise our Geek was unable to keep.
It is my honor to introduce you to Shelby Egender, bi-vocational Children’s Minister at Baptist Temple in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the 22nd VBS Geek of the Week!
Shortly before VBS 2011 Shelby was called to her ministry position at Baptist Temple. She did a great job of pulling together on short notice a VBS faculty as well as organizing the work of a mission team assigned to help her.
In addition to her staff position, Shelby holds down a full-time secular job and helps another church in Capital City Baptist Association conduct Club VBS each year.
In the picture above Shelby is demonstrating another way she shares her love and passion for VBS with churches throughout the Oklahoma City area by leading preschool training for the associational VBS training clinic.
Shelby, thanks for writing your own chapter in the history of Vacation Bible School, and for sharing your heart for reaching boys and girls, teens, and adults through this great ministry we call VBS!
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