Club VBS – Answering Your Questions
Many of you are preparing for an out-of-this-world VBS experience with Club VBS SpaceQuest! Space was a theme many of you requested on our surveys last year. We were so excited that we were able to offer a fun theme that focused on Jesus and His mission to be the Savior of the world.
Recently I saw a couple of customer questions asking where Club VBS Snacks and Crafts suggestions could be found. You’ll love this answer! Both Snacks and Crafts are two of the reproducible sections found in The Administrative Guide in the Club VBS 2012 Starter Kit. Not only will you find preparation and planning helps in The Administrative Guide, but you will also find a section for recreation, crafts, snacks, and Babies-2s.
A ton of resources are also available online at ! You can find photos of the crafts, photos of the snacks, and Club VBS 2012 SpaceQuest Drama Scripts.
You can also download FREE Adult Club VBS Bible Studies, as well as FREE Mission Stories to accompany your Club VBS.
Orbit around the Club VBS website when you get a chance.
If you plan to use Club VBS this summer, be sure and tell us about it! We’d love to hear how Club VBS worked for you!
Check out my Pinterest board “Vacation Bible School Ideas: SpaceQuest”. I changed the name so the board can be more easily found. I posted the REVISED link on Facebook, and here it is again.
Thanks, buggalcrafts!
I would love to see more Club VBS decoration ideas and promotional themed items. There are always plenty of ideas for the regular VBS but some of the smaller churches on limited budgets need ideas and promotional Club VBS themed items too.
Deborah, we have also updated our SpaceQuest Pinterest board with more ideas! Check it out!
Could you please suggest decorations for my mission room? Perhaps a little more than
is listed especially to accent missions? Thanks.
Thanks so much. Please reply on this email address.