VBS + Missions = Winning Combination
Missions Under the Northern Lights for VBS 2012 features five missionaries and their stories on how God is working in their lives and their ministries. Three of the stories were provided by the International Mission Board (IMB) and two of the stories were provided by the North American Mission Board (NAMB). The VBS 2012 Missions Rotation Leader Guide features a DVD with five videos and some video extras to use as you teach the Missions rotation. To get up-to-date information and the latest prayer requests from each of the five missionaries, click here.
The Day 1 video “Sweet Flight to Amazon Jungle” features missionary pilot Andy Kennedy. You can find his update here!
On Day 2, the video titled “God’s Power Over the Arctic” featured John Forrester. Due to a NAMB personnel change since this video was produced, another missionary family serving in Kotzebue, Alaska is featured in the missionary update. You can find the story for Matt and Tammy Hoke here.
The latest update for Day 3’s “The Mahafaly of Madagascar” featuring IMB missionaries Grant and Jodie Waller is available here.
The Day 4 story of “Chaps and the Big E” highlights Navy Chaplain Fred Holcombe and his ministry on the USS Enterprise. Check out his update and prayer requests.
Day 5 featured a 12-year-old deaf girl who went on a mission trip with her dad when she was 10 years old to lead a VBS in El Pozon, Colombia. The missionaries who work with the Deaf in Colombia are Charles and Betty Thomas* (names changed). You can find information on their ministry here.
One last update is on the “Northern Necessities” mission project. The website listed in the Missions Rotation Leader guide and on the “Northern Necessities Poster” (Insert Item 4) is currently under construction. The tab “How You Can Help” is currently unavailable. You can see the information about ways to help by visiting this link. Please note that it will be helpful to First Baptist of Kotzebue if you will mail the items your church collects to the church’s post office box. The address is P.O. Box 26, Kotzebue, Alaska 99752.
Keep these missionaries and their ministries in your prayers. With kids and leaders in VBS praying for the specific prayer requests of these missionaries, big things will happen!
Matt and Tammy Hoke (day 2) were members and served in our church back in 2006, and we sent a team up there in July of 2010. One of the larger outreach events is the “bucket giveaway” on the fourth of July, and we have a Flickr page with photos from that event: https://www.flickr.com/photos/burtonsvillebaptist/sets/72157629208225570/
I hope to have a video with these and some other pics we took while up there… Animoto.com just granted us a free Pro account, so I have no excuse! 🙂
And I’m done… Here’s a video picture show produced using Animoto, with Chris Tomlin’s “Indescribable” as the backing track. It shows Matt and Tammy Hoke ministering to the youth and people of Kotzebue, Alaska, including their major outreach event during 4th of July.
Here’s the video: https://vimeo.com/42057533
– frank ramage
– burtonsvillebaptist.org
Thanks, Frank! What a great way to show the ministry going on in Kotzebue, AK. I’m going to put a link to your video on our VBS Community Forum.