Video Pre-production
Can you believe we already are in pre-production mode for the VBS 2013 Worship Rally DVD?! Most of you haven’t even seen the 2012 video yet (though I’m confident you will take a look)! One of the fun, but challenging parts of the pre-production process is finding the right location for the story. Is it within driving distance from Nashville? If not, how will we assemble our cast? If we’ll be driving, how many vehicles will be required? What will gas cost us? Yikes!
I can’t wait to tell you about the location we’ve chosen for the VBS 2013 video! The few of us who went on the site survey to this location left there saying, “We want to find a way to work with this place.” We were so impressed with their management team. I was excited when we began to develop our story and discovered that it, indeed, will work at this particular site!
The VBS 2013 theme will be revealed on June 4! Until then, any guesses from these pictures as to where we’ll be shooting? (I did try to make the guessing difficult! Hey, it’s supposed to be a secret until June 4!)
You are so sneaky! Can’t wait until June 4th!
Looks like a farm
First photo looks like an old water tank, perhaps used in filling old railroad locamotives. The second photo could be a train wheel.
a motion picture studio?
Great post Lynne. I was there and still do not recognize anything in the pics. You ARE sneaky.
I love the guesses! Can’t wait to reveal it to you!
Railroad or farm. Looks like an old water tank or silo